The Best Summer Skin Care Regimen In 8 Easy Steps

Summertime is here and with it comes long days spent at the beach, pool or on nature hikes. While those activities can all be fun when enjoyed responsibly, they come with plenty of added skincare fears that you may not think about until it’s too late. These can include sunburns, damage to your skin’s hydration levels, premature signs of ageing and rough texture, which are all potential concerns this time of year.

Thankfully, an easy eight-step skin care plan will protect you from summer’s harsher conditions. This informative article will dive into the best summery skincare routine so you can flaunt a healthy glow without any worries.


Cleaning is the perfect place to start when creating a summer skin care regimen that will leave you feeling your best. Taking the time to ensure your daily cleanser rids your skin of dirt, makeup, and impurities allows new products and active ingredients that follow in your routine to penetrate further and work more effectively.

Summer heat and humidity can cause the skin to overcompensate with oil production, so make sure you use a gentle cleanser that won’t strip or dry out your skin, as this can irritate. Adding even 10 or 15 minutes into your day for self-care never hurts anybody. So, take a little extra time in the morning and at night (especially after a long hot day) to treat your skin with love with one of the best steps of any good summer care routine: cleanse.


Summer is one of the most critical times to take proper care of your skin. A great way to kick-start your summer skincare routine is to exfoliate. Getting rid of dirt, oil, and other debris can help ensure that your skin looks and feels its best. Exfoliating can also help open up clogged pores, which helps give your face a healthy glow. Plus, it allows you to use fresh products for the summer season.

Exfoliating can range from mechanical exfoliants like scrubs to serums containing chemical exfoliants like acids and enzymes. All in all, investing the time in exfoliation can give you the happy and healthy complexion you’ve always wanted this summer.


No matter how much time you’ve spent building the perfect summer skincare routine, it can all be for nought if you forget your sunscreen. The sun’s ultraviolet rays are more intense in the summertime, so having a good SPF is critical to avoiding sunburn and any lasting damage to your skin. It’s recommended to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher daily, no matter the season.

If you’re spending a lot of time outdoors in the summertime, opt for a higher SPF, such as 50 or 70. Remember to apply your Hint of summer sunscreen at least 20 minutes before heading outside and reapply it every two hours or immediately after swimming or sweating.


Because of the heat and humidity that comes along with summer, it’s essential to use a serum in your skincare routine. A good serum will help hydrate and nourish your skin while protecting it from environmental damage throughout the day. Serums are usually packed with antioxidants and anti-ageing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, which can help reduce inflammation and keep your skin youthful and healthy.

Also, look for a serum with ingredients like niacinamide which helps even skin tone and protects from environmental aggressors such as UV rays. No matter what type of skin you have, adding a suitable serum to your summer skincare routine can make all the difference.


Hydration is essential for skin health—especially during the summer when humidity levels are higher and UV rays are more intense. That’s why adding a moisturiser into your skincare routine is essential to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, which helps the skin retain moisture, and ceramides, which help strengthen the skin’s natural barrier. Additionally, using a moisturiser with broad-spectrum sunscreen will provide extra protection against UV rays and help you avoid unwanted sunburns this summer.


Face masks are a great way to give your skin an extra boost of hydration and nourishment. They help lock in moisture and provide added protection and allow you to pamper yourself with some much-needed self-care during the summer months.

Depending on your skin type and season, you can use face masks as often or as little as you would like. If you’re looking for something to help with oiliness or acne, opt for a clay mask to help minimise shine and reduce breakouts.

The simple skin care routine dermatologists actually recommend

Spot treatments

Spot treatments are great for pesky breakouts that can pop up during summer. Because of the extra sweat and oil, your skin is more prone to breakouts, so treating them as soon as possible is essential.

Look for spot treatments with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide that can penetrate the skin and help reduce inflammation. Additionally, you can use an overnight spot treatment to help dry out any pimples or blemishes.


It may seem like a no-brainer but staying hydrated is critical to having healthy skin. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water daily to keep your skin looking and feeling its best this summer. Not only will it help flush out toxins, but it will also help keep your complexion looking radiant and hydrated.