How Women’s Health Has Been Affected by COVID-19?

A lot has changed since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, including people’s daily habits. But what about women’s routine health care visits? Superdrug Online Doctor recently asked 1,000 women about their health and habit changes, and the results were concerning.

Women’s Health Practices and COVID-19

During the height of the pandemic, many health care providers only accepted patients with an emergency, making health care less accessible for a lot of people. But while 40% of women relied on online sources for answers to their health concerns, 28% skipped treatments and 37% skipped appointments and follow-ups due as a result.

Many people are still uncomfortable visiting their healthcare provider, even now. But it’s crucial for women to tend to their reproductive health needs in order to prevent permanent damage that certain types of lower back or pelvic pain, for example, could lead to if not addressed.

Emotional Impacts

Women haven’t just neglected health appointments because of poor accessibility. Even after restrictions were lifted, nearly one in three women were still afraid to visit their doctor due to fears of contracting COVID-19, anxiety about medical procedures, or anxiety about the unknown.

Due to staff shortages and capacity issues towards the beginning of the pandemic, 12% of women did not feel confident they would be able to access proper health care. Unfortunately, that number hadn’t dropped by much in 2022, when 10% of women said the same.

Mental health can impact your decision to visit a doctor just as much as other limitations. If you recognize that your mental health is struggling, consider online counseling. While there are things you can do on your own to improve your mental health, it’s important to do so with professional guidance.

Importance of Regular Health Checkups

Telecommunication has become the new normal. This can be a wonderful change, but it comes with a price. On the one hand, it allows more flexibility and freedom. On the other, people have become so accustomed to virtual meetings that vital health appointments have been canceled due to doctors only accepting in-person visits.

While some types of medical visits may be done virtually, some women’s health checkups can’t. Close to half of women — 48% — would be interested in receiving healthcare through virtual visits, but things like STD and Pap tests and gynecological exams need to be done in person.

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If these are neglected, they can worsen and become life-threatening. Of the women who have failed to keep up with their health care needs, such as routine checkups during the pandemic, three in four have experienced health issues as a result.

The Future of Women’s Health

For the coming year, the most agreed-upon necessary change among half the women surveyed was giving proper attention to mental disorders. Other top priorities that were agreed upon were maternal care and violence prevention. But at the bottom of the list was preventing and treating STDs — an issue that just 38% of women would like to see prioritized.

Key Takeaways

The pandemic has unfortunately changed many women’s health for the worst. According to Superdrug Online Doctor, almost all women have neglected medical visits due to the pandemic and other COVID-19-related reasons. As a result, many have experienced health problems that could have been prevented.

But it’s not too late to change your habits for the better! For the new year, make a resolution to take better care of both your mental and physical health. Your future health will thank you.