Complex Consequences Associated with Dental Implant Surgery

Many individuals experience anxiety and discomfort due to missing teeth or an unappealing smile, which can reduce their self-confidence. In the past, methods such as fillings, veneers, or dental prostheses were used to repair unhealthy or lost teeth. However, specialists providing dental implants in Newmarket believe that using dentures can lead to discomfort, difficulty speaking, and poor oral hygiene. Thankfully, with advancements in science and technology, dental implants have become a viable solution for those experiencing such problems. Nonetheless, patients should be aware of potential complications associated with dental implants. Please read on to gain more information in this regard.

The Necessity of Replacing Lost Teeth

Our mouths are naturally designed to hold healthy teeth for a long time, but various expected and unexpected factors can threaten their health and lead to tooth loss. Even with proper oral hygiene and regular check-ups with skilled dentists, aging can gradually weaken teeth enamel and lead to severe conditions like tooth loss. It’s crucial to address this problem as soon as possible, as untreated, missing teeth can cause several negative consequences. Adjacent teeth may shift towards the empty spaces caused by lost teeth, leading to orthodontic issues that require time and money to correct. Individuals with missing teeth may also experience difficulty speaking clearly or chewing food properly and may avoid social interactions due to a lack of confidence in their unattractive smile. Moreover, leaving lost teeth untreated for an extended period can negatively affect facial structures, causing lines and wrinkles around the mouth and chin. Therefore, to maintain an attractive smile, preserve the functionality of your mouth, and protect the health of your jawbones, it’s important to replace missing teeth as soon as possible after they have been removed.

Life-threatening Complications

There are specific types of adverse effects associated with dental implants that are more common than other complications. These include:

Dental Injuries: Inexperienced healthcare providers may injure sensitive parts of the teeth and mouth during treatments, leading to extensive pain and numbness. These symptoms may indicate damaged nerves or blood vessels. Patients should contact their oral surgeons immediately if they experience such symptoms.

Infection: Oral infection around the implanted devices is a common risk if the oral surgeon does not use sterile tools during the surgery. Patients who smoke tobacco or have medical conditions such as diabetes are at a higher risk of experiencing dental infections after the surgery. Finding highly skilled dentists and informing them about your medical history and any adverse habits during the initial consultation is crucial.

Sinus Problems: Sinus problems are a severe side effect that rarely occurs, typically when implant devices are inserted in the upper jaw. Inexperienced practitioners may damage the sinus cavities while inserting the implant devices into the patient’s jawbone.


Other Minor Risks

Allergic Reactions: Some valued patients may develop an allergic reaction to the materials used in the implant, such as titanium or zirconia. This may cause inflammation, itching, or rash around the implant site.

It’s essential to discuss the potential risks and complications associated with dental implants with your dentist before undergoing the procedure. Your dentist can advise you on the best course of action to minimize these risks and ensure the success of the implant.