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Sure-Fire Ways to Maintain a Healthy Respiratory System

Sure-Fire Ways to Maintain a Healthy Respiratory System

The ability to breathe is often taken for granted until it suddenly becomes compromised. Perhaps the most recent example involves those who may still be suffering from the after-effects of COVID-19. This is why ensuring a strong and healthy respiratory system is extremely important. What practical steps can you take and how can these impact your overall quality of life?

Create a Healthy Interior Environment

Whether at home or at the office, air quality should be monitored from time to time. High levels of humidity, mould and asbestos can have a grave impact upon your health. The good news is that comprehensive testing kits such as those offered by IVARIO can quickly determine if a problem exists. Should an issue come to light, it is normally best to consult with a knowledgeable professional.

Breathe Freely

One of the most beneficial (and easy) ways to strengthen your respiratory system is to practice deep breathing exercises. Inhaling and exhaling in a slow and controlled manner will help to ensure that your body receives the oxygen required to function at optimal levels. Furthermore, this type of breathing can help to expel any particulate matter that might otherwise remain trapped within the lower lungs. This is the very same reason why most forms of meditation focus upon breathing as opposed to clarity of mind alone.

Get Plenty of Fresh Air

Although this recommendation might appear obvious at first glance, many individuals live out their lives stuck within an office or simply remaining at home. The problem here is that stale air will negatively impact your entire respiratory tract. Spending at least 30 minutes outside each day is a great way to obtain a bit of much-needed fresh air. The chances are also high that you will begin to notice a difference within a relatively short period of time.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

This next recommendation has ben scientifically proven to offer results if practiced on a regular basis. Diaphragmatic breathing can be practiced at home or even while out and about. Here are the five main steps:

The main intention is to expand your diaphragm by using your abdominal muscles when breathing (as opposed to your lungs alone; often referred to as “shallow breathing”).

The Power of Exercise

Exercise is yet another way to guarantee that your respiratory system is functioning as it should. This is even more relevant when referring to physical activities such as jogging, running, swimming, or simply taking a stroll around the block. Even those with limited mobility issues should make it a point to remain as active as possible.

We are only provided with on set of lungs, so ensuring their health is the best way to avoid more serious problems in the future.

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