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Myths About Pregnancy Tests

Myths About Pregnancy Tests

We usually believe that a test is reliable without any possible chances of being wrong or having any kind of myths we might need to deal with later.

However, that is not true. Either a mommed pregnancy test or a mommed ovulation test, any test can display a wrong result. Not just this, but there are myths related to these tests, which can make you come up with a false explanation on your own.

This is precisely what we will discuss in the article, myths about pregnancy tests. A pregnancy test is quick and easy, and one must pee on a stick to determine whether they are pregnant. These tests have been in use since 1976, but there are myths surrounding these tests as well.

Let us debunk some of these myths:

Myth 1: The Test Can Immediately Establish Whether You Are Pregnant.

This is a commonly found myth, but it is not valid. These tests might yield accurate results but do not provide instant answers. This is because of the fact that a fertilized egg can take up to five days to deposit itself in the uterus. At this time, the body begins to produce hCG, which aids the test kits in determining whether you are pregnant.

Hence, it may take additional weeks to show up on the test. Therefore, even though you are pregnant, a pregnancy test that you take a few days.

Myth 2: There Are Several Free And Natural Ways To Test For Pregnancy, So You Don’t Need To Pay Any Money.

Nothing else can determine whether you are pregnant other than the presence of hCG in the urine. The truth is that all of the folk remedies, from peeing on a dandelion stalk to sticking an onion in your lady parts, are dangerous and unreliable. Additionally, nothing other than the hCG in the urine can forecast your pregnancy. Until hCG levels can be detected or measured, no natural approach can determine whether you are pregnant.

Myth 3: A Urine Test Can Determine A Baby’s Gender.

Everyone wants to know the sex of their baby. However, at-home tests are only a publicity stunt where they ensure you that they can identify the sex of your baby. Understand that urine does not contain any sex hormones that can identify the gender of your unborn child.


Hopefully, now you realize that there are myths revolving around pregnancy tests as well, and they need to be understood by people so the next time they use them, they know what to believe and what to ignore.

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