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Types and Benefits of Outpatient Addiction Treatment

Types and Benefits of Outpatient Addiction Treatment

Mild substance abuse addiction can be treated successfully in outpatient rehabilitation programs. Los Angeles Outpatient Rehab is among the facilities that offer outpatient rehabilitation services. It allows patients to adopt a treatment program that suits their day-to-day schedule. The program offers drug and substance abuse treatments that can be scheduled on various days of the week.

Outpatient treatment plans allow patients to carry on with their routine activities and live at home during the treatment process. However, they are required to visit the rehabilitation facilities for medication and therapy sessions during specific days as scheduled by the health practitioner.

Types of Outpatient Rehabilitation Programs

Intensive Outpatient Programs 

These are the types of programs that have measurable and pre-determined goals for treatment. The goals indicate the treatment progress and the level of patient commitment needed to accomplish the goals. These programs are ideal for patients who want to attain complete sobriety while performing their daily roles.

The treatment involves several sessions with the counselors or therapists for a specified number of hours each week. During the sessions, patients get relapse prevention education, counseling, and group therapy sessions.

Day Programs

It involves daily meetings at the rehabilitation facilities for structured addiction treatment sessions. Depending on the facility, the sessions can be conducted five to seven days a week, with a specified number of hours. During day treatment programs, patients engage in group therapy sessions such as group counseling and other activities recommended by health providers.

Patients who participate in daily programs need a strict commitment to their rehab visits for the best outcome. On many occasions, patients cannot engage in their daily activities until the program is complete.

Continued Care

These are ongoing care programs aimed at helping drug and substance abuse patients commit to their sobriety journey in the long run. Health professionals facilitate continuing care programs with adequate licensing.

Members of ongoing care programs meet weekly for the sessions. These groups may have specifications such as gender or age. Others concentrate on various aspects of recovery from drugs and substance abuse.

Benefits of Outpatient Rehabilitation Programs

There are various benefits of outpatient rehab services. These include;

Low treatment cost

The cost of rehabilitation differs depending on the location, forms of treatment offered, type of facility, and medication used in the treatment process. The overall cost incurred in the outpatient program is less compared to the inpatient programs.

In the treatment program, patients receive medication to help eliminate abused substances from the body, which is included in the overall cost of the treatment.

Participation in routine activities

Outpatient facilities allow patients to continue with their daily routines and attend their sessions during the evenings and off duty. It allows patients to maintain their work and benefit from therapy sessions as well.

Outpatient rehabs allow patients to take care of their families when the main provider in the family is the patient. They can work and spare some time for treatment.

Support during detoxification

Depending on the type of drug abused, withdrawal from drugs may have adverse effects on the patients if proper care is not given. Detoxification symptoms need to be managed in a safe and comfortable environment. Health professionals in outpatient facilities administer medication that eases the symptoms of detoxification.

Outpatient programs allow patients to maintain their social and family relationships in the treatment process. Patients are more comfortable at their homes, and they get moral support from family and friends during the process.

Patients are likely to choose the same facility for detoxification and treatment if satisfied with the services offered. The cost of detoxing in outpatient rehabs is low as compared to that of inpatient facilities.

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