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Trying to Have a Second Baby? Consider These Factors

Becoming a parent is a blessing, but becoming a parent for the second time can be challenging, especially for a woman who went through substantial hormonal and physical changes during her first pregnancy. Besides, both a mother and a father must prepare for an added responsibility while balancing emotional and financial obligations. If you’ve already conceived a second kid but are now having second thoughts, you should consider abortion as an option before it’s too late. And if you haven’t conceived yet but plan to, consider the following factors. It will help you and your partner in making an informed decision.
  1. Your Physical Health

Only consider having a second child if you are physically and mentally fit. Your first pregnancy has already impacted your entire body. Hence, you must wait until you have fully recovered and your uterus has gone back to its former diameter. To speed the recovery process, you should engage in mild exercises and eat a nutritious diet.
  1. Your Weight

It will help if you try to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight. You must lose weight to conceive a second kid. This is to prevent obesity from meddling with your second pregnancy. Excess weight harms ovulation and also causes egg release to be slowed. Lose weight by exercising, running, dancing, or engaging in any other physical activity to increase your chances of getting pregnant.
  1. Financial Stability

Sadly, if you are financially insecure and struggling to make ends meet, you should not consider having a second child. The reason for this is that the second child adds to more expense. You can have a second child if you are certain that you will be able to satisfy the financial demands of both children. If not, devote your entire attention to the best possible upbringing of your first child.
  1. You and Your Partner’s Age

Your hormones change, and your reproductive health starts deteriorating as you age. The number of egg supplies and the quality of ovules decreases. Similarly, your partner’s sperm quality also weakens as he ages. Poor quality sperm or limited egg supply may lead to miscarriage. Besides, the chances of your child inheriting a genetic defect from the parent increases. To avoid such complications, you should plan on having children before the age of 35.
  1. Career Life

If you are a working woman, having a second kid is like taking another career break. Thus, if you want to advance in your career, you should think twice about having a second kid. Have a second baby only if you are willing to halt your professional life for some time and if your partner can take on the responsibility alone.
  1. The First Child’s Age

If your first kid is yet a toddler, the child will require your continual attention. If you have a second baby during this time, your attention will be divided, and you may struggle to care for both kids. Therefore, wait until your first child is at least three and mature enough to understand your devotion to the other child. Additionally, they may support you in caring for the second kid, easing some of your load.
  1. Time Management

Baby consumes so much of your time that you don’t have time to spend with your spouse or care for yourself. When the second child arrives, you must forgo your social life, love life, and alone time for a few years. Also, if you have support, you must consider their comfort. If you can afford to hire a nanny or sacrifice yourself for a year or two, then have a second child.
  1. The Age Gap Between Children

To guarantee that your two kids feel secure, understand each other, and form a bond that will last a lifetime, maintain the age gap between them as small as possible. It should be between three and five since children of the same age have a healthy and loving relationship.
  1. Mutual Consent

You and your partner are both involved in the baby-making process. Having a second child will have an impact on both parent’s life. Hence, even the decision must be a mutual one and not just yours alone. Consider all the opinions presented by your partner before making a move. It won’t be a problem if you’re both on the same page. However, it is best to discuss things first and clarify everything if there is no mutual consent. The decision to have a second, third, or more children is totally up to you and your spouse. You might think that you can handle a second child, considering you now have the experience of raising your first child, but that can be wrong. Hence, avoid making choices driven by emotion. You must take into account physical and financial aspects as well.
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