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Top 5 Supplements for Optimal Health

It is nearly impossible to get the nutrients that you need solely from your diet. That is why supplements are helpful. You may be wondering what type of supplements for better health that you should take. This will largely depend on your individual needs and health. However, there are supplements that most people can benefit from taking.


You need to be taking a multivitamin everyday in order to maintain optimal health. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the vast majority of people are not getting all of the nutrients that they need to stay healthy from diet alone. A study showed that only 13 percent of the population had enough fruit in their diet. The same study showed that only 8.9 percent of the population had enough vegetables in their diet. Ninety million people are not getting enough vitamin D in their diet. Eight million people do not have enough B6 in their diet. Sixteen million people are not getting enough vitamin C. Additionally, half of the population does not have enough magnesium, folic acid and vitamin E in their diet. You can supply your body with these essential nutrients by taking a multivitamin.

Fish Oil

Fish oil has omega 3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids can lower the amount of inflammation in your body. There are several reasons that you need omega 3 fatty acids. However, you can only get them from your diet or a supplement. Omega 3 fatty acids support heart health, musculoskeletal health, immune health and respiratory health. They are also good for your mental health and can boost your mood. A 2006 study showed that omega 3 fatty acids can be effective for reducing low back pain and neck pain.


Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in your body. In fact, it is involved in over 600 processes in your body. The World Health Organization has stated that 75 percent of the population does not get enough magnesium in their diet. Anyone can develop a magnesium deficiency. However, there are some people who are at a greater risk for it than others. If you have diabetes, drink a lot of alcohol or take a diuretic, then you will be more likely to develop a magnesium deficiency. Long-term antibiotic use can also result in a magnesium deficiency. If you are not getting enough magnesium in your diet, then there are a number of health problems that can result. A magnesium deficiency can weaken your bones. It can also cause an irregular heartbeat and blood pressure issues. Additionally, low magnesium levels can cause anxiety, irritability and blood sugar issues.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiencies are extremely common. It is estimated that nearly 90 percent of the population does not have optimal vitamin D levels. Your body can naturally get the vitamin D that it needs if you expose your skin to the sun. However, many people limit their sun exposure. The body needs vitamin D to maintain healthy bones. It also helps lower inflammation. Additionally, it supports a healthy blood pressure and immune system. There have been studies done to show that vitamin D has many benefits. It can decrease injuries and fractures in athletes. It can also decrease the rates of upper respiratory infections. Furthermore, taking vitamin D supplements have been shown to improve migraine and headache symptoms.


Probiotics help keep your gut healthy. It will be easier for your body to digest food and absorb nutrients if you get enough probiotics. There is good bacteria and bad bacteria in your gut. Probiotics help maintain the right balance of good bacteria and bad bacteria. Numerous studies have shown that probiotics can improve immune health. They can also help you manage your weight. Furthermore, it can counteract the effects of antibiotics and NSAIDs. It is important to note that nutritional supplements are not regulated the same way that medications are. That is why it is important to make sure that you find one that is of good-quality.
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