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The Ways In Which Patients Continue To Receive Premier Care From Their Homes


While it’s easy to think that technology has begun to limit some of the ways in which people live, it’s also providing a means to live for some healthcare patients. The healthcare industry as a whole continues to improve as a result of technological advancements and integrations. New technology means new ways to care for patients and in the case of recent years, perhaps one of the most important methods of care to be introduced as a result of technology is known as remote patient monitoring. This post and accompanying infographic will detail this method of care in length.

While it’s true that the inception of remote patient monitoring happened many years ago, the timing and current conditions of most healthcare facilities require remote patient monitoring be conducted. While it’s true that this care is necessary, without the help of the technology that patients are able to integrate into their homes and thus their everyday lives, remote patient monitoring would be much less effective. These integrated technologies are what allow healthcare professionals to provide care similar in quality to if a patient was sitting in their office. In addition to this, these technologies also provide a means to safely track and store the data collected on patients to reference when necessary.

What types of technologies are supporting remote patient monitoring, though? Anything ranging from blood pressure cuffs, blood glucose monitors, spirometers for lung health and even water retention scales for heart disease patients have received at home support through the evolution of remote patient monitoring. Now, as these technologies continue to flood their homes, patients have begun forming a deeper understanding of how these devices relate to their conditions, in addition to being more hands on with their condition as a result of the data being collected and sent back to their health care providers for a checkup.

While more and more states are loosening the reigns in regards to COVID-19 response, remote patient monitoring becomes even more important. As space within hospitals are limited, more and more beds are being taken up by COVID-19 patients rather than those with chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease or diabetes. While the latter patients still require care, the last thing they want to do is return to a hospital and become infected with COVID-19. Remote patient monitoring alleviates this issue for patients, while also giving their healthcare providers a well-deserved break from in-person care. Even while operating remotely, doctors are capable of determining whether or not their patient requires immediate attention based on the data from their patient’s integrated technologies, meaning they can call in their remote patients when necessary.

Doctors would refuse providing their patients with this type of care if it weren’t effective in any regard. However, this method of care continues to flourish as it is so effective. For example, many patients with chronic conditions such as high blood pressure or asthma have seen great improvements as a result of their remote care. Whether that be a decrease in blood pressure over a period of time, or less reliance on rescue medication, these patients are seeing improvements despite not visiting their doctors face to face.

While improvements to their conditions are important, patients are turning to remote patient monitoring now more than ever as a result of additional coverage being provided by most insurance providers. With this coverage, patients can work together with their physicians to provide them the rest they need after being overwhelmed throughout these past two years. If you were hoping to learn more about remote patient monitoring and the types of coverage offered by insurance providers for this care, continue reading on to view infographic accompanying this post for more valuable information. Infographic courtesy of Pivot Point Consulting.

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