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Sunderland Taxi Firm Help Police Bring A Burglar To Justice

Sunderland Taxi Firm Help Police Bring A Burglar To Justice

A brave and vigilant Sunderland taxi firm has received police praise for helping them to bring a robber to justice – after he foolishly booked a taxi to flee the scene.

Sneaky burglar Jason Taylor snook into a Sunderland home in the middle of the night while the residents were fast asleep upstairs.

After he forced entry in to the city centre home, Taylor stole various possessions, which included an electric saw, a hover-board and a digital Blu-Ray player.

Taylor brazenly stashed the items in his backpack whilst carrying the hoverboard under his arm. The 32-year-old then called Station Taxis and booked a taxi home. However, Taylor’s crime was soon unravelled after police inspected CCTV footage and worked alongside the taxi firm to confirm the real identity of their light-fingered customer.

And sure enough, the mobile phone used was then easily traced back to Taylor. – The police turned up at his door shortly after and they were even able to locate some of the stolen items inside Taylors address.

Taylor pleaded guilty to burglary last week and was jailed for two and a half years.

Leading the investigation was Detective Constable Harry Astanasov and he had this to say: “This was a brilliant outcome as we worked in tandem with Station Taxis to unquestionably prove Taylor was the culprit for the burglary.

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“Taylor showed a real lack of compassion for his victims and even had the cheek to phone a taxi to take him and his stash home.

“We will forever continue to do all and everything that we can to bring criminals to justice.”

Sergeant Marie Ord, city centre neighbourhood team, said: “This is a truly outstanding example of where police and local businesses work together to bring justice and to ensure our city continues to remain a safe place to work and live.

Jimmy Usher, Station Taxis director said the firm were “very happy” to have been able to help the police. He also said: “We will continue to work alongside with all our partners to ensure our city a safe place.

“Every member of our team come across difficult situations of concern from time to time, which is why the safeguarding training that the police deliver has been critical for us. They are deeply woven into the very fabric of our local community and each have a truly unique perspective of what is going on in the city.”

Taylor will serve 936 days in prison for his crime, after sentencing at Newcastle Crown Court on 14th June.

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