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Rehab North Wales – What to Expect

The north wales rehab center offers a much more comprehensive, personal approach to the treatment of addiction. We understand how intimidating it can be to try to do this on your own, and that is why we are here to help. We will walk you through the process step by step, and make sure you have all the information you need before making a decision. It doesn’t matter what type of addiction you’re struggling with, or what stage in recovery you’re in; our team can support you every step of the way. For many people struggling with addiction, trying to do things alone feels like an impossible task. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by feelings of shame or embarrassment for not being able to change things on your own.

Day 1

When you arrive at rehab north wales, you’ll go through initial check-in and assessment. You’ll be asked about your drug and alcohol history and any medical conditions or allergies. If you’re allowed to use your cell phone, download several games before you get there. Some people say that they struggled with boredom during rehab so having something other than time will help pass it more quickly.

Day 2

The first few days will be tough but you should expect progress by day two or three. If you’ve been instructed by your doctor, they’ll prescribe physical therapy such as range of motion exercises and stretching. You may also need occupational therapy for learning how to do tasks such as brushing your teeth. Your rehab team will work with you on preparing for discharge from treatment so that things are less difficult when you get home.

Day 3

The third day of rehab was tough. I felt terrible, like I had never been ill before in my life. I was so tired and nauseous that it was hard to be upright, let alone stay awake or talk. Most of my time was spent lying on my back with some neck support, feeling hot and cold at different intervals of time.

Day 4

My mum and sister have been with me every day since I entered rehab. Yesterday they brought me clothes, toiletries, essentials for my room, and helped me decorate it. They were so excited to help out in some way which really brightened my day. It’s hard enough being in treatment but it’s also tough when you’re away from your family during such an important time of your life.

Day 5

Today was another difficult day. I woke up with stomach pain and was having major mood swings. The nurse told me I had been constipated because of my medications, so she gave me Miralax. She also gave me two muscle relaxers for my stomach pain, so I’m starting to feel better and less tense now.
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