Preparation Advice For Snowbird Retirement

Preparation Advice For Snowbird Retirement

As summer draws to a close, more and more “snowbirds” are preparing to leave their native snow-covered landscapes to spend time in their homes located in the warmer southern states for the winter. Some of these elders may choose to rent these properties by the year, whereas others purchase a second home that is then transformed to become their permanent residence post retirement. Whatever the case, this type of seasonal migration offers the best of both worlds: It lets snowbirds maintain their connection with their friends and family at home all while being able to escape the ordinary and enjoy warmer weather and new scenery for a few months out of the year. This post will detail some of the most essential tips to preparing for this lifestyle.

Moving to a second home in a warmer state requires preparation, and it starts with winterizing your northern house. This means these individuals should likely suspend services like cable and internet, but more importantly their water to avoid any flooding or water damage possibilities throughout the winter. Lowering the heat is also recommended, but the heat should never be turned off for extended periods of time while away. Turning the heat off leaves water pipes liable to freeze in the coldest months.

Other considerations have to be made for any vehicles or appliances being kept in your winter home. Clearing out your fridge prior to departure is highly recommended, as any perishables will begin to decay if you’re gone too long. For this same reason, you may also want to leave the doors of the fridge open to avoid mildew build up. In addition to this, unplugging your fridge to reduce electricity costs is also recommended.

Perform routine maintenance by having your heating system inspected and serviced by a professional. A professional will be able to determine if the system is suitable to cover your home for the duration of your stay and can recommend the best ways to keep your home warm throughout your travels. They may also recommend unplugging any electronics around the home to avoid any fire risks.

You may also want to forward mail and stop any regular deliveries, such as newspapers, magazines or subscription boxes to your winter home. Consider logging onto the USPS website to forward your mail to your summer home as they’ll allow forwarding for up to one year. For snowbirds with long-standing relationships with their neighbors, it’s worth mentioning plans of extend leave as well. These neighbors will be able to keep the closest eye on these snowbirds’ homes while they’re away and make sure no suspicious activity is taking place while they’re away. Leave all of your necessary contact information with these neighbors as well for them to report any issues they notice.

A snowbird lifestyle is often one of the healthiest lifestyle changes retirees can make. Though overwhelming, the benefits once all things are figured out are immense. For additional information, specifically tips for preparing for this transition, be sure to review the infographic coupled alongside this post. Courtesy of Transport Advisers