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Non Invasive And Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation Device: Things You Should Know

Vagus nerve stimulation devices are one of the most effective ways to treat several disorders. Most especially seizures. It has several benefits for people in living a lifestyle that is  stress-free. There are two types of vagus nerve stimulation devices- non-invasive and invasive. Both have different functionalities and benefits. Which one is suited for you? In this article, you will know and understand the difference between an invasive and non-invasive VNS.

The Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Since the 1990s, vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has already existed and been utilized. Doctors isolate the nerve — usually in the neck, where it’s easiest to reach — and surgically connect electrodes to it to create a resting and body-restorative condition. Even when the gadget is implanted in the body, doctors must establish the frequency, calculate how often the electric signals will fire, and manage the activity. VNS reduces sympathetic nerve activity in areas with a dual sympathetic and vagal nerve, which supplies numerous organs. In this situation, the vagus nerve works in opposition to the sympathetic nerves’ actions. The vagus nerve also has a sensory component that sends information to the brain about the functioning and well-being of the visceral organs. The brain regions that receive this information are involved in regulating not only visceral organ functions. Such as the heart pumping blood to the body and the amount of oxygen circulating through blood vessels, but also the central autonomic and limbic systems. One advantage of VNS stimulation is that it activates afferent nerve fibers, which go to the brain. Afferent fibers can impact mood, alertness and attention, and emotional reactions to our experiences through affecting the autonomic, reticular, and limbic regions of the brain. VNS is excellent at regulating and suppressing seizures associated with epilepsy, and it can be a lifesaving device for patients who are resistant to treatment. It pulses electricity regularly to maintain the brain in sync, similar to how a pacemaker keeps the heart in sync. Because many patients with epilepsy have an aura before they have a seizure, some VNS devices allow the patient to start or increase the rate of VNS stimulation before it occurs. There is also a proposal as a therapy for several ailments, including depression and severe headaches. Although there isn’t much research or trials on these therapies yet, there are encouraging signals.

Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation

These devices are not yet clinically proven to treat epilepsy but can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression. It is also an option for people who do not want any foreign objects, specifically VNS devices inserted into their bodies. A non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation  device, unlike clinical devices, cannot be placed directly on the nerve due to variations in frequencies and voltages. External VNS devices rely on electrical signals that can pass through the skin and muscles of the neck without causing damage to the tissue. It must be accurate enough to access and control the nerve’s particular activity. Clinical VNS devices avoid stimulating smaller pain-transmitting fibers in the vagus nerve. These are the fibers you don’t want to stimulate. Larger fibers entering the brain, on the other hand, are more likely to be the focus of possible therapies. It’s tough for an external device that can’t be connected to individual nerve fibers to target these fibers.

Consult Professionals

Disorders stated above that VNS devices can help cure or reduce various types of medical attention. Consulting your doctor first is of utmost priority. However, there is one clear thing: a vagus nerve stimulation device can help you live a relaxing lifestyle. Learn how to stimulate the vagus nerve to lower heart rate at home. You can tackle stress, boost sleep, and improve focus while using a vagus nerve stimulation device  in your daily life.
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