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Difference Between Outpatient Program And Intensive Outpatient Program. Which To Choose?

Difference Between Outpatient Program And Intensive Outpatient Program. Which To Choose?

Many people think that outpatient program and intensive outpatient program are the same thing. They are not the same thing, outpatient program is a basic form of drug addiction therapy that does not last long during a day and a week, it is a basic version or just a mild way of treating drug addiction, while intensive outpatient program is exactly what it says—it is intensive, and it offers intense treatment for drug addiction.

It is hard to see a loved one go through drug abuse, to see them depressed, and not move around to try to change their lives. For such people, nor outpatient treatment, nor inpatient treatment will do, they need something that falls in-between, something that can give them the treatment for a few hours and at the same time give them enough space for themselves to heal—this program is called intensive outpatient program.

So, if you are a resident of Austin and are looking for an iop austin tx, then you should make sure the outpatient treatment at a rehab facility you are opting for is intensive outpatient treatment. Sometimes you have to be a little specific with the health counsellor who is recommending you the treatment programs as many people get confused about it.

What Is Basic Outpatient Therapy?

Basic outpatient therapy basically means you do not visit a rehab facility and admit yourself in there for a few months. This outpatient program involves therapies and counselling that can easily be fitted around your daily schedule. It lasts for 1-2 hours a day in a week, daily.

Why Go For Intensive Outpatient Program?

One should only choose intensive outpatient program if they are looking for something that falls in the middle of inpatient treatment and outpatient treatment. If someone has done residential treatment, and they still feel like they need that extra mental help to complete their drug addiction program, or if someone is not deemed a good candidate for inpatient treatment, then intensive outpatient treatment should be chosen by the patient.

When a patient is done with a treatment, they may need a little more help to reinforce the new habits and actions they have learned to not relapse, for such a purpose, basic outpatient treatment does not offer a strict way of coping with post treatment, instead iop austin tx can do that, it offers a higher level of support in order to reinforce the new skills, habits, and hobbies one has learned at the rehab facility.

Difference Between Outpatient Program And Intensive Outpatient Program.

Both of the programs want the patient to recover from addiction, but intensive outpatient program offers a more aggressive and intense approach as the name suggests, which increases the chances of curing from addiction for good.

Outpatient program does not involve many counselling and therapies, intensive outpatient program involves more of that, this increased level of counseling and therapies can give a higher chance of success in recovering.

Basic outpatient program only lasts 1-2 hours per day in a week while intensive outpatient lasts 10 hours per 3-5 days for 2-3 hours daily, depending upon the case. While the cost of inpatient treatment is higher, outpatient treatment does not cost much, but intensive outpatient program costs more than the basic outpatient program because of the extra services it offers.

When a person finishes their inpatient treatment, doctors recommend them iop austin tx instead of the basic outpatient program in order to better transition to normal life and it works. So, if you want the same thing and are in the same situation, then do not wait, opt for an intensive outpatient program to recover from inpatient treatment or just mild drug addiction that you might be going through or your loved one might be. No matter what you choose, whether outpatient or intensive outpatient, both will help you recover from drug abuse, if outpatient does not work, intensive outpatient can be administered. And finally, you can start living your life how you used to.

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